Deedy Shaw, the comeback kid from Burlington, Iowa.

Deedy has won State, National, and World Championships. At age 63 Deedy was still deadlifting 650 lbs and squatting 600 lbs while at a bodyweight of 220.

At age 71 Deedy deadlifted 507 lbs, bench pressed 248 (with both rotator cuffs torn) and squatted 424 lbs winning the USAPL Nationals in Texas.

Juar short of his 72nd birthday, Deedy competed in Pilsen, Czech Republic in the IPF World's Masters Championship at a bodyweight of 198.

Both of Deedy's knees have been replaced and has had a partial shoulder replacement. Now, at age 80 he is training for competition again. I think he will set world records for his age group this year.

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2019 age 80


Age 71 and training for the Czech meet.